All right. I have to get this whole topic out of my head. So bear with me.
Why do people hurt each other?
It really bothers me. I'm not saying that I've never been cruel. Of course I have. We all have. But I want to know why. And cruelty has its levels. I might have made someone cry but I've never started a nasty rumor. I've slapped someone but I've never thrown rocks at a dog. I believe that some acts of cruelty are worse than others, but they are all cruel and they all bother me.

Why didn't you call and say you were going to be late? I've been seeing someone else. How could you forget something so important?
Really, it's inevitable. Couples fight all the time. Some get over it within a matter of hours, some end it in a messy divorce. But where does it all come from? Why is it inevitable? Why can't we remember to call when we're stuck in traffic or working overtime? Why can't we end one relationship before starting another? Why can't we write our anniversary date down on every surface we come in contact with until its engraved in our minds? It's as if once we get something really good, something inside us goes "okay, now it's time to mess everything up!" And maybe we'll fix it later and maybe we won't. It's as if we have no consideration for anyone but ourselves sometimes. You'd think that having a relationship would teach us to be more selfless, but it seems it only serves to make us more selfish.

Labels and Outcasts
Well, I heard she had an abortion. He's a faggot. You can't sit at our table. Did you know they totally worship the devil?
It seems that young people are some of the meanest creatures on this earth. It must be because of the newness of adolescence, the changes occurring inside and outside the body, the hormones and testosterone... Middle school, especially, becomes like its own society with its own social ladder. And the kids on the top can be as mean as they want to the kids on the bottom: the outcasts, the ones who received the more unfortunate labels ("freaks", "faggots", etc.) and those with mental or physical problems/disabilities, or those with weight problems (be it that they are overweight or anorexic). A lot of kids who come from homes less open-minded than others are particularly cruel to their peers. They may not even know them and they may not know what's so "bad" about them. All they know is what they hear their parents say and what the media says and what the majority of society says. They can't form their own opinions and the unfortunate victims can't defend themselves. All that matters is that difference is bad and as long as we aren't different we can be as mean to the different people as we want. (American society is so into being superior, too. That aids to the cruelty, I think. We feel that since we're a world power, we can do whatever we want to those below us, the inferior people in other countries. Even the inferior people in our country.)

Oil. Terrorism. Holocaust. Atom bomb.
First off, let me say that war upsets me more than almost anything. I don't see the point of it. I don't see how we benefit from it. I don't see how death, mass death and suffering, can be worthwhile. I can don't see how you can look at another human being and kill them. I don't see how you can drop a bomb and wipe out houses, towns, treasured objects, lives. Nothing can make all that okay in my mind. I will never support war, ever. I will never accept it. And I don't have to. Because there are other ways. There are better ways. There's negotiation. Why can't the leaders just sit down and talk things out instead of sending troops out to blow the others away? It's true that mankind has been warring for years. But mankind has also progressed and evolved through the years. And I firmly believe that mankind is beyond all this unnecessary killing. It's like the Star Trek episode I saw recently when there's this planet that's been at war with another planet for years and years and years and there's no longer a point to the war itself, but people are still being killed. Captain Kirk agrees that fighting has lasted a long time and that men are killers. And then he goes on to say that now--after all this progression and evolution--what we have to do is say, "but I will not kill today." And that is what we have to do. That is what we CAN do. Human beings CAN tell themselves that they will not kill today. And that is why I won't accept war. That is why I won't accept cruelty. Because we can stop hurting people. All we have to do is tell ourselves that we won't.
War is stupid.
1 comment:
very moving. makes me want to write about something heavier this week than old movies and scooby doo...
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