Thursday, January 4, 2007

The First Question

Knowing myself as well as I do -- and that's quite well, I assure you -- the Random Questions I'll be posting and pondering on in this blog will be fairly serious, raw, sometimes unsettling, and personally meaningful. Therefore, my first question will be downright weird and silly and, well, pointless.

Okay, ready?

What's the deal with the phrase "brand-spankin'-new"?

It isn't like I see people going around spanking every new thing they buy. "Shiny and new" I can understand. A new CD is round and shiny and glinting; it isn't scratched up or smudged from overuse or abuse. But "brand-spankin'-new"? As in, it looks so good and new I just want to spank it?

I'm thinking that maybe it comes from doctors spanking newborn babies. I've always understood that -- and correct me if I'm wrong -- doctors do this to make sure the baby can cry, or something like that. (Personally, that seems a little masochistic to me, but hey, I get the idea.)

Still...I don't really get it. It makes no sense, much like this post. Anyway, this is the only question I've had all day. (Which might be saying something...)


Anonymous said...

interesting could be right...

AGM said...

i never thought of the baby thing. i just figured "spanking" was an alternative for swearing...


Molly said...

ha! i've never thought about the phrase. way cool.

TJBeitelman... said...

Now I'll know to spank all the new things I buy...ha! Funny line. Good post.